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Contacteza-ne cu incredere. Suntem aici sa te ajutam.
Sediu social: B-dul 1848, Nr.50, Ap.14, Targu Mures, Romania
J26/1070/2003, CUI 15706013
Capital social 200 Lei
AIR Yoga & Ecstatic Dance in rural Germany
This is a 4 days immersion in the Air Yoga & Ecstatic Dance practice in Germany's serene countryside!

Outdoor view
Retreat center Germany Air Yoga

Ice bath barrell
Retreat center Germany Air Yoga

Resort restaurant
Retreat center Germany Air Yoga

Outdoor view
Retreat center Germany Air Yoga
4 days
October 26-29
no alcohol
no smoking
from 650 euro
Retreat details
Located in rural Germany, 1.5 hours from Prague, the nearest airport, down a long winding forrest road, Landhotel Altes Zollhaus, our retreat center, is the definition of a remote family owned hotel.
Equipped with cozy double and single rooms, spa, sauna, vegan restaurant, yoga and Air Yoga shalas, a wooden barrel ready for group ice bathing, a pristine lake just meters from the hotel, and beautiful raw nature all around, this place is a wellness paradise, ready to reset you body and mind.
Please bear in mind that this is a strictly vegetarian, non-smoking, non-alcohol retreat.
During the 4 days, join us for this fusion retreat that combines 3 pillars to get you back to a strong and serene feeling, inside and outside:
Air Yoga (all levels)
Ecstatic Dancing
Connection with nature : catalyzed by a WIM HOF Fundamentals Workshop (read more on its benefits here:
Ecstatic Dance is an event concept that uses free dance as a form of meditation in motion, leading the participants, through specially chosen music, on an inner journey, often liberating. Stages: opening circle-meditative music- freeze- high tempo music- freeze-relaxation-closing circle
The Wim Hof Method is loved by thousands across the globe as a way to immediately arrive at a state of happiness and easily reset the body and mind. With its 3 pillars (breathing, gradual cold exposure and mindset), you can be sure you will be holistically taken care of. Don’t worry if you don’t love cold water just yet, we all start there, until we feel its POWER! ;) And bare in mind that nothing in this retreat is compulsory, we are there just to help you explore some of the best methods to improve you physical and mental wellbeing, and you are always in control regarding what you do.
Airport pick-up and drop off
3 nights accommodation in double or single room (single supplement 160 euro)
vegan half-board (smoothie in morning and 3 course lunch)
5 Air Yoga classes, beginner and intermediate level (mats included), with Mircea Nicoara
2 sessions of 1.5h Ecstatic Dance
Spiritual reading circles
Wim Hof Method Fundamentals workshop with Mircea Nicoara, WHM Certified instructor
Optional Ice bath and lake bath
Unlimited access to sauna, gym and spa
✖️ plane/train tickets to Prague (nearest airport) and return
✖️ medical insurance
✖️ dinner (can be bought a la carte from the resort restaurant)
✖️ other drinks not included in group menu
650 EURO for twin room
- Suppliment for Single room: 160 euro
Reservation is made in 2 steps:
- Fill in the following form: contact form
- After you receive the confirmation that there is a place available for you, pay a deposit of 350 euros or 1725 lei in the bank accounts below (beneficiary WELLNESS FACTORY SRL):
1) EURO: RO86INGB0000999905534959
2) Lei: RO86INGB0000999905534959
All deposits are non-refundable. Exception is made if retreat is canceled due to lack of minimum participants. If this is the case, you will be notified until October 1st maximum.
Rest of the amount left to pay will be settled until October 15th 2023.
Group Leader:
Mircea NICOARA- founder of Reset Retreats Romania, Mircea is a yoga and meditation teacher with a knack for dancing and all kinds of possible adventures. With his latest certification as Wim Hod Method Instructor, Mircea will guide you in this 4 days adventure full of movement, dancing and cold exploration.
Mircea is organizing yoga and wellbeing retreats, both in Romania and internationally, since 2017.
Get to know Mircea Nicoara better on his IG profile mircea_air🌟
Termeni si conditii | Politica de confidentialitate | Parteneri
Contacteza-ne cu incredere. Suntem aici sa te ajutam.
Sediu social: B-dul 1848, Nr.50, Ap.14, Targu Mures, Romania
J26/1070/2003, CUI 15706013
Capital social 200 Lei
© 2023
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